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Removable Inserts Style 3


The uniqueness of Crown Jewellery File is that it comes with removable inserts so that it can be tailored to suit individual needs. The removable inserts are secured in the case with toggles on elasticated cord loops for flexibility.

There are three styles of removable inserts and each case can contain three inserts comfortably – Four at a push if the jewellery isn’t bulky.

SKU: Crown Removable Inserts-1 Category:


Insert 3 has 12 eyelets for the storage of cufflinks. It also has 4 wide holder straps with snap fasteners for storing watches, tie-slides, male/female bracelets etc.

Insert 3 can store at least 8 watches.

Removable Insert is faux suede

Additional information

Dimensions 31 × 20.5 cm
Crown Image

Black Blaze, Blue Splendour, Leopard Lux, Parakeet Paradise, Tropical Splash